
- name
- Patrick Nicholas Nelson
- address
- 8643 Oak Chase Circle
Fairfax Station, VA 22039-3332
- background
- born: March 2, 1977
where: Karlsrue, West Germany
- contact information
- email: pnn@andrew.cmu.edu
email: pnn@cmu.edu
home: (703)690-4369
school: (412)862-3189
- education
- Carnegie
Mellon University
- Computer Science Major, diploma
expected Spring 1999
Japanese Language Minor, diploma expected Spring 1999
- Thomas
Jefferson High School for Science and Technology
- Graduated with Advanced Studies
Diploma, Spring 1995
- courses
- Thomas
- Accelerated Computer Science
AP Computer Science
Artificial Intelligence
Computer Architecture
Super Computer Applications
Computer Systems Research Lab
- Carnegie
- Modern Math with Mathematica
Fundamental Structures of Computer Science I
Fundamental Structures of Computer Science II
Introduction to Computer Engineering
Computer Architecture
Computer Graphics 1
Computer Graphics 2
Calculus 3d
Discrete Math
- job experience
Information Technology
Summer 1995, Summer 1996
Responsibilities include programming in Borland C++ (OWL)
and Microsoft Foundation Class development under Windows
3.1 and Windows NT.
- Prgramming
Language, API, and interface experience
- C/C++
- Java
x86 Assembly Language
- OpenGL
- Glide
- DirectX
- Rendition Redline
- hobbies and
- Primary administrator of The
Mod Archive
Intramural Basketball and Football
Aikido (Boku ga heta kedo...)
Reading sci-fi books, and various news magazines
Favortie TV shows: the Simpsons, Sienfeld, X-Files, and
Monday Night Football
Favorite team: Cowboys!
Favorite bands: Dave Matthews Band (from Virginia!),
Smashing Pumpkins, Cranberries, and the Fugees
Favorite time of year: Summer

This page was last updated on February 14th 1997