
A random selection of my projects, in no particular order: Enjoy!

Mod Archive The Mod Archive - a collection of mods. This started as a joint project with several friends during my freshman and sophomore years at CMU. It was created because all of the existing MOD collections on the net had no screening process whatsoever, or were woefully small, making music browsing a painful experience. The MOD Archive has since been turned over to 'the new crew', who are doing a great job keeping it up to date.
FutureStrike FutureStrike - the name for an early game project me and my friends kicked around during high school. This web page is actually for a later hi-res DirectX (1.0!), networked version. The most advanced, gameplay-wise, of the many incarnations ran in mode 13h under DOS.
Shadows Shadows and Lighting - the online journal of my shadows and lighting project to produce fast and good looking shadows simultaneously.
Fractals Fractals! - a truely nifty realtime fractal program. I love to watch the infinitely detailed structure shift. It's very addictive. The pretty colors are a bonus too. Aside from the old GLIDE (3Dfx) program, I also have an OpenGL screensaver, as well as a new DirectX WinAmp plugin.
Maxima Maxima - my first game. I wrote this when I was in 5th or 6th grade. It's written 100% from scratch in Basic, and uses text mode. See if you can figure out what it's based on..
Project1 Project One - See the AMAZING exploding sheep! Woo!
Coil Coil - a mystery game prototype written in the Unreal engine.
Modeler Modeler - a bicubic patch modeler, texturer, key-frame animator, and ray tracer I wrote for my computer graphics II class.
Mesh Decimator Mesh Decimator - a program I wrote based off of Garland and Heckbert's paper on mesh decimation using quadric error metrics. It can also handle colors and intensities in an intelligent fashion, which I intended to use it to partition lightsources in an environment map (which sorta worked).
HDRShop HDRShop - like Photoshop for high-dynamic range images, only not as featureful yet. What are high-dynamic range images you ask? Well, go to the website and read the introduction!
SphereTiler Sphere Tiler - a project for a Solid Modeling class. It lets you create tiled spheres ala Escher, automatically enforcing symmetry constraints. The program is not complete, and alot of it is hacked together, but its still quite fun to play around with once you learn the interface.
PanoPan PanoPan - a panorama viewer for high dynamic range panoramas (in cubemap format). It works with nVidia TNT cards (and really old drivers) to display high dynamic range textures in real time.
ZIGI ZIGI - My Inverse Global Illumination program, built around the Arnold GI Rendering package. Given calibrated photographs of an environment, and geometry, it 'inverts' the lighting, producing unlit diffuse texture maps.
  • UO Map - a utility program I wrote for use with Ultima Online, the first massively multiplayer online graphical RPG, or at least the first one I played. UO Map tracks your position in the UO world, displaying it on a map. When used in conjunction with the UO Map Server, it can also broadcast your position to your friends and display your position on their maps. UO Map was essentially my first foray into Windows programming; it was quite the learning experience.
  • Face Lighting Demo - a pretty nifty demo program I worked on over summer 2000 with Dan Maas. Lets you change the lighting on a persons face in realtime. The data is compressed using DCT quantization in such a way that it doesn't have to be decompressed entirely to do the calculations, which saves alot of memory bandwidth.
  • HDR View - a High Dynamic Range picture viewer. I.E. it lets you look at pictures where the pixel values are stored as floating point numbers. This was the predecessor to HDRShop.
  • Geometry Scanner - a structured light geometry scanner that uses sub-pixel camera/projector correspondance to get really nice quality scans.
  • Light Stage - a machine for capturing data about how an object reflects light. In this case, the object is my face. :)
  • Aluxum - (pictures pending) a program for displaying fairly complicated, varying reflectance properties of a scanned object. Basically it's like looking at a scanned paper, except it shows which bits are shiny or dull as well.
  • PanAlign
  • VistaRama HD
  • EQBot